Episode #28: Should I contract my pelvic floor to 100% with exercise?

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In this episode, Rhonda and Dayna discuss a commonly asked question “do I need to contract my pelvic floor to 100% with exercise?”

The short answer is NO. 

Creating too much tension in our body may actually contribute to worsening symptoms like heaviness, leaking, pelvis pain or back pain. 

⁣⁣Some tips to keep in mind: ⁣⁣⁣⁣

1️⃣ Focus on tension to task (@physiodetective). 
Only contract your pelvic floor muscles (or any muscle) enough for the task at hand. 

2️⃣ Stop thinking about what your body is doing and just do the exercise. 
It’s important to get to a point where consciously thinking about what the pelvic floor is doing is no longer necessary. 

3️⃣ The relaxation component is just as important as the contraction component. 

We hope you find this discussion helpful!

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Find Rhonda here:


Episode #29 - 5-minute body scan meditation for pelvic floor relaxation


Episode #27: The 3 things that surprised us the most during pregnancy