Hi, friend! I’m so glad you’re here!
I remember trying to get back into exercise postpartum and feeling so lost and confused in my body.
I was scared that exercise would make my postpartum symptoms worse.
I began learning more about my core and pelvic floor and returned to exercise with a plan. With time, patience (and some frustration), I was able to get back to my favourite strength training activities without fear.
I want this for you, too.
I want to provide you with a plan to get back into the activities you love to do feeling strong, confident and empowered!
I’m Rhonda!
I help busy moms return to exercise with realistic, sustainable fitness plans that you can FINALLY stick with!
I am a mom to 2 girls, physiotherapist and lover of all things fitness and wellness.
I have been practicing as a physiotherapist since 2010. I started my own virtual physiotherapy and fitness coaching business in May 2020, and I'm excited to watch it continue to grow!
My love of exercise began at 3 when I started competitive gymnastics, a sport that I competed in for over 12 years. I now find my passion in strength training, and in inspiring women to realize how strong they really are!
After having a more challenging recovery with my second daughter, I found a passion for all things pregnancy and postpartum.
I attained my Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism (P&PA) Coach Certificate in March 2020. And I've continued to learn and expand into this specialty since.
My mission is to help busy moms return to exercise feeling supported and encouraged. I can help you to ditch the all-or-nothing mindset and show you that it is possible to fit exercise into your busy #momlife!
Education & Training
Honours Bachelor of Kinesiology (McMaster University)
Master of Physical Therapy (Western University)
Level One Manual Therapy Certification (Orthopedic Division - Canadian Physiotherapy Association)
Level One McKenzie Certification (Lumbar Spine) (Robin McKenzie Institute Canada)
McMaster Contemporary Medical Acupuncture Certification
CrossFit Weightlifting Certification
RockTape Certified
The Female Athlete Course Graduate (Antony Lo)
Neurokinetic Therapy Course Graduate
Certified Postnatal Fitness Specialist (Jessie Mundell)
Certified Pregnancy and Postpartum Athleticism Coach (Brianna Battles)
Being a mom is hard work. You’re tired, you’re stressed, and you have very little time for yourself. You know that exercise is great for your overall health, but you have no idea where to start. Sadly, in our society women are expected to “bounce back” after having babies with very little guidance.
This is where I come in.
I want strength training to be realistic, accessible and sustainable for busy moms. And I want to help you get strong without focusing on the scale.
Whatever activities you want to get back to postpartum (even if that’s simply being a strong mom), I want to help you get there! You don’t have to do this alone!
Whether you’re new to my content, or you’ve been following me for a while, it’s important for me to let you know that I often talk about issues other than health and fitness.
As a women's health professional, I am passionate about supporting women's rights and the rights of ALL PEOPLE.
Healthcare is inherently political. It’s impossible to separate the two. I believe everyone deserves equal access to healthcare. Regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, ability or socio-economic status.
I can't support movements that are actively fighting against the rights and freedoms of black, indigenous and people of colour and those in the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
It's part of my values to be vocal about human rights issues. And continuing to learn how to be a better ally as a white, cisgender, heterosexual woman with privilege.
I believe Black Lives Matter.
I believe every child matters.
I believe trans rights are human rights.
I believe reproductive autonomy is a human right.
I believe in standing up for humanity first and foremost.
I believe that every human deserves to be heard, valued and treated with respect.
I will continue to use my voice and platform to speak up to try to make the world a better place for ALL HUMANS (not just ones that look like me).
When it comes to health and fitness, I am unapologetic about my approach. I do things differently than you might think a postpartum fitness coach is “supposed to”.
Part of doing things differently means leading with my values even if they go against the grain. For me this includes NOT focusing on intentional weight loss.
Here’s what I believe:
Strong and fit does not have a “look”.
You can have a round belly and still be strong AF.
You don’t need to have a six pack or visible muscles to be worthy.
There’s no prize for getting your body back the fastest postpartum.
Do I think having weight loss as a goal is wrong? No. I believe in body autonomy and so what you do with your body is your business.
AND I will challenge you to have other reasons for working out, because…
Weight loss is not a guaranteed outcome of consistent exercise.
Weight loss does not automatically equal better health. You can 100% be healthy in a larger body.
There are innumerable benefits to exercise that have nothing to do with weight loss.
If your only focus is weight-loss and you’re not “successful”, you’ll likely quit. Even though you may be experiencing other health benefits like more energy, better sleep, increased strength etc.
It’s not easy to go against the grain of diet-culture. But it’s so worth it.