Episode #69: 8 body affirmations for 2024

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In today’s episode, Rhonda discusses the New Year: a time of new beginnings and new outlooks. And, she has a soft suggestion as we head into another year on this earth: Instead of focusing on “getting back on track with exercise”, or “getting your body back” in 2024...

What if you spend this year working on healing your relationship with food, exercise and your body?

If you have the means, consider working with a therapist, non-diet dietitian, and/or size inclusive fitness coach if you’re looking for support on your journey. Affirmations are another great (and free!) place to start. Tune in as Rhonda shares 8 Body Affirmations you can practice reading and/or saying out loud to yourself as we head into this New Year.


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(0:49) - Rhonda introduces what we are talking about on this episode!

(6:28) - My body is strong. My body is resilient. My body is capable of amazing things.

(6:40) - My body is not broken. Nor does it need fixing. My body has a built-in ability to heal.

(6:54) - My body is supposed to change.

(7:04) - I am not defined by my fitness level. I am always worthy of rest.

(7:15) - I am not defined by the size of my body. My body is worthy at any size.

(7:29) - My body size and shape is not an indicator of my health status.

(7:42) - I will learn to exercise from a place of appreciation and respect for my body

instead of disdain and punishment.

(8:00) - Healing my relationship with exercise and my body starts with gratitude. Thank you body for all that you do for me today and everyday.

(8:19) - Episode wrap up - and a thank you!


Episode #70: 3 reasons it’s important to ease into a new exercise habit


Episode #68: 6 tips to stay healthy over the holidays