Episode #51: Strength training for women over 50 with Traci Townsend

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In this episode, Rhonda chats with special guest Traci Townsend all about strength training for women over 50 years old. We discuss her journey from teaching to fitness, special considerations for folks over 50, and what she has learned along the way. Traci believes that fitness is for everyone and meets women where they are so that they have a successful fitness journey and establish lifelong fitness habits. Thanks for joining us, Traci!


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(0:54) - Rhonda’s upcoming virtual workshop for moms: Strong from the Inside Out!

(2:31) - Rhonda introduces our special guest for today: Traci Townsend!

(3:25) - What got Traci into the world of fitness coaching?

(5:57) - How did Traci incorporate her years of teaching into her new role?

(8:04) - Who is Traci’s ideal client? Where are Traci’s clients at in their journey when they seek Traci out?

(13:28) - What has Traci learned from working with clients over 50?

(19:17) - What do conversations on weight loss (and other fitness outcomes) look like with Traci’s clients? Are there special considerations to make when working with women over 50?

(24:00) - What has been the most rewarding part for Traci about starting a business?

(26:05) - What has been the biggest challenge for Traci in starting a business?

(30:00) - What would Traci say to someone over 50 who is listening right now and is scared or intimidated to start strength training?

(34:33) - What’s the biggest lesson Traci has learned herself as a woman in her 50s?

(38:10) - Does Traci miss teaching?

(39:53) - Is there anything else Traci would like to leave listeners with?

(40:30) - How can people find and work with Traci?

  • Episode #51: Strength training for women over 50 with Traci Townsend

    We're excited to have you join us for this episode of Pelvic Health and Fitness. I'm Dayna Morellato, Mom, Orthopedic and Pelvic Health Physiotherapist. And I'm Rhonda Chamberlain, Mom, Orthopedic Physiotherapist and Pre Postnatal Fitness Coach. On this show, we have open and honest conversations about all phases of motherhood, including fertility, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, menopause, and everything in between.

    We also provide helpful education and information on fitness, the pelvic floor, and many aspects of women's health, including physical, mental, and emotional wellness. Please remember as you listen to this podcast that this is not meant to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. Please contact your medical provider if you have specific questions or concerns.

    Thanks so much for joining us. Grab a cup of coffee. Or wine. And enjoy!

    Welcome everyone to another episode of the pelvic health and fitness podcast. Today. We are honored to welcome fitness coach. Traci Townsend. Traci is an online fitness coach who helps women over 50 who think that they are too busy.

    Too out of shape or too old to start their fitness journey. Her online group programs and her individualized one to one coaching emphasize strength training and movement. To help women become stronger, more fit and more capable of doing all the things that they want to do and need to do. Traci believes that fitness is for everyone and meets women where they are at so they have a successful fitness journey and establish lifelong fitness habits.

    Love all of that, Traci. Thank you so much for joining us. Thank you for having me, Rhonda. Yeah. So, so excited to talk with you, Traci, you are killing it on Instagram, which we'll get into that to follow Traci later on, but can you tell me a little bit more about yourself? Tell our listeners a little bit more about yourself and how, what got you into the world of fitness coaching?

    Thanks Yeah, sure. Absolutely. So, um, I was originally, um, and I am a retired educator. I should start there. I'm a retired educator, uh, 33 years. I was in public education, uh, K 12. And so, um, that was, um, Really an amazing experience. 33 years flew by just like that. Wow. And, um, I thought about what I wanted to do next.

    Right. And so I've always enjoyed fitness for myself. And when I turned 50, you know, 50 is like the magic number. I don't know. But when I turned 50, I decided that. You know, knowing that fitness was always important, but I really realized how important it is to us, especially to women over 50. So anyway, at, when I turned 50, my, my interests in my personal fitness took off.

    And then I realized, I think I can help other women like me. Become more fit and more health and healthier and you know, stronger. And so fitness with Traci was born. Cool. And when was that Traci? That was actually a two years ago in April of 2021. Very cool. And so did you start by posting on Instagram? Is that how you?

    Started at all. Really that is how I started. I started by, by posting on Instagram. I got an Instagram account and I saw really right, other, other business owners doing it and I said, I wonder if I can do this. Started there and um, I've just been going since then. Amazing. And so for those of you, we've talked about, uh, the movement maestro on the podcast before, but, um, Shantae is the leader of that group program and yes, Traci and I know each other from that and so inspiring following all of those business journeys and just seeing all the different realms of business, online business that.

    There can exist. Right. And so I think this is such an amazing niche that you have Traci. So I would like to just touch on what do you think, did you take anything that you learned as a teacher in your years of education to bring that into your coaching? How does that sort of parallel in your world? No, that's a really good question.

    Um, I, I think I did and maybe not intentionally, but because I was an educator so long, it just. sort of happens naturally. And basically it's about helping people by meeting them where they are. Yes. You know, you have to do that with, with every student in your classroom, every student in your school, you meet them where they are and help them progress and move further.

    And you do the same thing with fitness coaching. Um, you meet. People where they are. And it's funny Rhonda, because sometimes we get so, um, you know, enamored with what we see on social media, right? We see so many wonderful things happening. I'm not taking away from that. And we have to realize that, huh, I might like to do this move, or I might like to lift that heavy.

    Um, at some point, but that's not where I'm going to begin. And so it's helping people start where they are and moving them along so that At some point along their journey, they're able to, you know, lift that amount of weight and more if they desire. And that's the same thing in education, right? You meet people where they are, build on their foundation so that they can learn more and do more.

    And, and I think that's really important for us to remember as coaches, when we coach anyone, not only women over 50, but anyone. That's beautiful. I love that. And that just comes with experience, right? As a teacher and as a fitness coach, right? Is recognizing where is someone starting from, right? We don't all start from the same point, right?

    As much as we would want that because that makes everybody's life easier, but that's just not realistic. So with that, Traci, I'd love to hear, um, Sort of like your ideal client and who you typically work with, or is it kind of a variety? Is it someone that used to maybe strength train and got out of it?

    Or are these people just brand new to strength training? What does that look like for you? No, no, that's a really good question. And it's funny, right, Rhonda? It goes back to what we just said that everybody, um, we're all individuals. And so each person is starting at a unique point in their fitness journey.

    And so I have worked with women who have had strength training in the past. And I have worked with women who maybe have thought about it, but didn't know where to start. And I've also worked with women who just like fitness is new to them. Um, you know, it's, it's, it's interesting how many women 50 and over Really don't have a background in fitness and movement and strength training.

    They haven't done anything. And so I've worked with women who are starting fitness for the first time in their lives and that may look like them, um, going on 10 minute walks every day. Yeah, because if you haven't done anything to this point, then a 10 minute walk for someone like that. is amazing. Like, right, that's like 10 minutes more a day than they have been doing.

    Whereas someone else may start at 30 minutes of walking. Whereas another client who has experience may begin with lifting heavier, you know, they may be doing 20 Squats a goblet squat with a 25 pound dumbbell and is ready to move up to 35 or 40. So, so I've worked with women along the spectrum. And I think the important key is to talk with people to figure out where they are.

    Um, listen to them to know where they want to go, right? And then to help them really get to their point. And it's a journey, so there is no rush. Like just because we're over 50 doesn't mean we have to hurry up and do it. We can take our time and enjoy the journey. Plus, you want to do that also because you want to stay healthy.

    Along your journey. You don't want to rush in and do too much at one time. I love that. And so many parallels. So I, Dana and myself are in the postpartum fitness world and yes, I'm hearing so many parallels, right? So very similar. A lot of my clients just want to rush right back into it, get to this point that they see examples online.

    And yes. And like the mindset I talk about all the time, right. Similar to you, some people postpartum just starting with walking is more than enough for their body, but we've been conditioned to think that, well, that doesn't count. That's not enough, right? That doesn't count as a workout, but for sure it does.

    Right. Again, meeting, meeting our own bodies where we're at too is a skill, right? And I think that's what it sounds like you as a coach are really good at is kind of just helping people understand. Yeah. Where they are. And where they want to go. And the fact that yes, it doesn't happen overnight. It's a journey, right?

    It is a journey. And you know, the thing about it is your journey. It may have ups and downs. Your journey may have, you know, you know, peaks and valleys. It's just, it's not a straight line. It's not always easy. So. Moving along your fitness journey involves so much more, you know, your mindset as well as, you know, the capacity of your, your, your physical body, what it can and cannot do.

    So there's a lot to consider. Oh, big time. And I loved what you said too, just about having it be based on somebody's goals, right? So I think that is something I've, you know, really had to learn as a physiotherapist and a fitness coach, we can have our biases and we can have our things that we love doing.

    And we would hope for our clients to achieve, but at the end of the day, if that's not their goal, we can't force that upon them. Right. So I love that you said that too, is just, yeah, really getting clear with what do you want out of. This fitness program. And how can I help you get there? Right. And I think that's important, Rhonda.

    What do you want? Because here's the thing when women come to us, right? Whether it is your clients who are postpartum, whether they're my clients who are over 50, they're coming to us for a reason. Like they want to do this. And they just need to know what is the best way for them to get started and to keep going.

    And I think that's key. It sounds so simple, but people, women want to feel better and they want to be healthy and they want to be fit and active. And I think if you just keep that in mind, that helps you serve the people who come to you. Yes. I love that. So if any of our listeners, uh, that follow along are in their fifties, approaching their fifties, or just, you know, thinking about what it's going to be like to be in your fifties, what are some things, are there some special considerations that you think about with your clients, just being in that age group?

    And what, you know, what are some things that you talk about with your clients? in regards to fitness in your fifties. Oh, wow. Yeah. So much. Um, well, I think one of the first things I do, of course, um, like we just talked about is you listen to where the clients are because I mean, let's face it as we get older, things change you know our bodies change, and that's okay.

    And so it's about listening to, you know, are you dealing with anything currently. I have a few people who come to me. Who, you know, arthritis has said hello to them. Right. And so, you know, while I, you know, make them help them to understand. All right, well, definitely, if, if you're having issues, then you need to see someone who's trained a medical doctor who can help you with arthritis.

    What I can do, however. Is to help you get stronger, you know, as long as you're ready to go, you have the release from the doctor and you know, it's all about, okay, how do I get stronger in spite of this arthritis, right? What do I do? And so, just taking Any types of conditions that they might have into consideration.

    Um, you know, a lot of women 50 and older are going through menopause or are post menopausal. Yeah. And so you consider all of those. Uh, factors as you go and work with women over 50, um, of course I understand a lot of those factors being a woman over 50 myself and post menopausal myself. So I've either been through it or I'm experiencing it right now.

    So there are, yeah. So there are just a lot of factors that I think I work with, with the women about and knowing that strength training can be very new to them. Now. Again, when you look on Instagram, sometimes you may think that every woman over 50 is strength training because there are, and, and, and let's rock and roll more power to us.

    There are a lot of women over 50 on Instagram, you know, showing you what they can do. And there's a whole nother population of women over 50 where strength training is just. Yeah, if you were born in the fifties or sixties, you know, you may not have ventured out into strength training. So anyway, um, just maybe starting with body weight and then moving up to bands and then going ahead and including dumbbells.

    Um, so considering where they would like to start. Starting with body weight is, is very accessible, right? You have your body so you can learn to do the moves and then adding dumbbells after that. Um, and really helping women over 50 know that you're not going to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. I don't know.

    You know, that's just not going to happen. Yeah. And you know, this already, you know, that look that women want. That look comes from building muscle. Yeah. So it's really about getting stronger, building muscle because after the age of 50, we begin to, we lose muscle mass, our bones become less dense. And, um, it's not just about the look, but also about our health.

    So I'm sure I went for way beyond what you asked me. No, that's beautiful. Yeah. There's so many benefits, right. And we, uh, actually had on the podcast one Jira and she is specializes in menopause and, uh, yeah, so many interesting facts about exercise and the, you know, protective effects that exercise can have.

    As we age, you know, with osteoporosis, things like that. And so, yeah, this work is just so important Traci. And I think just removing the barriers and removing that fear for women in their fifties is so important. Right. And so, yeah, it's interesting. We grew up in a world where even, you know, people, my age, I'll still hear like, I don't want to get bulky, right.

    I'm nervous to strength train. I don't want to get bulky. I don't want to have, yeah. Like that big bulky look and yeah, just educating people that that. That look is really, really hard to achieve. Right. And so, yeah, like most likely that's not going to be you most likely that's not, but like you said, taking that, that fear away.

    Um, and you know, the unknown, like what's going to happen if I lift weights and encouraging women, women are so much stronger than they think they are. Then we think we are, I mean, yes, you have to start somewhere, but at some point that 10 pound dumbbell. will become a 25 pound dumbbell, 35 pound dumbbell.

    I mean, you know, it, it definitely increases. So not being afraid of a little bit of challenge. Um, yep. And a little bit of work, um, you know, that's what strength training is about. So removing all of the unknown and fear is really important. I love that. Um, I'm curious to hear, do a lot of your clients, again, the world we've been raised in is all about, you know, looking a certain way, but your clients come to you in regards to weight loss.

    Is that a common goal for women or what, what is, what do those conversations look like with your clients? Yeah, no Rhonda. I think, no, you're right. You know, weight loss is a goal for so many people and It's so personal, right? Weight loss, um, and our desire to be smaller, um, is, is so personal. Now our desire to be smaller is different from our desire to be healthier, right?

    Um, those are two different things. And I realized that, um, size can also impact health. Um, I realized that, and you know, I've never been in a large body before. So I have, you know, that piece that I can't really, um, I'm on a personal level. I can't really, uh, um, speak to someone on a personal level about living in a larger body.

    But when I can speak to people about is living in a Um, and we're going to talk about how to become healthier, more fit and more active and a stronger body. Yeah. And we talk about the steps that we need to do to become healthier, more active, stronger, and more fit. And that's the direction that I like to take the women who come see me.

    I like to take them in that direction. And when they go in that direction and focus on their health and their strength and the movement and their. Uh, physical activity, they realized, wow, I didn't know I was able to, to do this. Like, yeah, they realized so many things about themselves that they hadn't because they had been focused on weight loss so often.

    So I think just separating, you know, weight loss for, um, health reasons and, and weight loss, just, Because we want to be smaller in the body that we're in. Um, if that makes sense, that makes total sense. Yeah. I think that, that is something I, you know, had to work through myself too, is exactly separating weight loss from health, right?

    So exactly what you said, there are components of, you know, living in a larger body that might contribute to per health outcomes. But I think not as much as what we've been led to believe, right? I think we've been to believe that. Yes. Larger body equals poor health. That's not necessarily the case. Right.

    And so I say to my clients, like we can understand that someone existing in a small body can be unhealthy, right? We, we understand that we can conceptualize that we have a hard time conceptualizing someone that lives and exists in a larger body can be very healthy. Right. Right there. So yeah, like everything you just said, focusing, focusing on what we can somewhat control and there are a lot of uncontrollables, but yeah, working on all those health promoting behaviors, getting active, getting strong, getting fit.

    If weight loss happens as a by product, that's great, but it might not. Right. And you still will be healthier, right? Even if your body doesn't change, right, right, right. And, um, if. When you say if your body doesn't change, and we know though, when you walk and become more active and become more fit, your, your body is, is definitely changing.

    Yes. Right. It may, maybe not visually, but yes. Correct. Correct. And so that's the thing right there. It's like doing things that, you know, Will give you a better life, a healthier life. Um, just posted about that yesterday, like, you know, as a 56 year old, I'm like, you know what? No, no chasing after this quote, perfect body, whatever that is and the perfect body is different for each person.

    Yeah. And so it's just like, I am ready. To continue to do the things that I have been doing for the last consistently for the last six or seven years. And that is getting stronger and moving my body and just enjoying life. Like the world is full of, full of so many things that you have no control over.

    You have control over totally. I love that Traci so much. So I am so inspired by you as well with starting a business in your fifties. That is so amazing. That is like just incredible. Like, good job. I'd love to hear a little bit more about that. So first of all, let's start with the positive. What has been the most rewarding part?

    Would you say of starting a business? You know what, Rhonda? Uh, the most rewarding part really has been meeting all of these women. Um, the internet is amazing, right? So, I'm meeting women, like, from UK and from Australia, and it's just, Blowing my mind that we are communicating and talking with each other.

    Um, I have a group of women right now in my program, um, uh, strong over 50 with body weight and bands, right? Taking women where they are and moving them forward. And the group is from all over the world. And so just, and it's, it's. Wow, it's sort of overwhelming also knowing that women across the world, we all need this.

    Um, we are all struggling with certain things, and we all want better for ourselves right so I think one of the, the best things about starting the business is that I get to communicate with other women. Who, like we talked about earlier, who want to be stronger and more fit and healthier. Um, and we all know that again, we have so many things in common while we're all individuals, we share so much as well.

    And that has just been a joy to get comments on my posts. Like, thank you. This has helped me so much. And I'm like, let's go girlfriend, keep pushing forward. Don't stop. You know, that's rewarding. It's rewarding. It's rewarding. Very cool. And just, you know, to live in a world where that is a thing, right, that you put a post on Instagram and people from around the world can see it and, you know, join in with your mission.

    Like that is just the coolest thing, I think. So cool. So cool. And so what do you think has been the biggest challenge with starting your business? Oh, that's, that's a good question too. I think the, the biggest challenge has been, has been, if I look at the flip side of that. Yeah. To keep going. When you feel like people have not heard your message.

    Right. And so, you know, of course, Rhonda, you know, you mentioned Chante just a few minutes ago, right? And, you know, as, as our business coach and mentor, she always talks about people, you have to keep going and you never know who's watching and who's listening. And that's important. And whether you have a smaller audience or a larger audience, every.

    Like, or every view represents a person. And so if you have 100 people, um, in your business, you know, following your Instagram, that's 100 people looking at you and following you and learning from you. So, um, that's the, I think that's a difficult piece is, is to, is to put the Instagram. Um, saves and likes and hearts into real people.

    Right. Yeah. That's, that's very interesting. And that just kind of, I saw a parallel with weight loss again, right? Where it's the big shiny object, object syndrome, right? Like we chase weight loss and then we also chase followers and likes and shares. But really at the end of the day, it's. The impact that you're making, right?

    Exactly. Like you said, those individual people that every single like you get is an individual person. And yeah, I think those numbers, we kind of lose sight of that because again, it's all part of the game of followers, followers, followers, but it's so much more than that. So that was really great for you to say that.

    So much, so much more. And it's, you know, the world is, is the virtual world. And so, yeah, it's just hard to put a face to each one of those comments. And so I think that's, that's been a challenge, but I'm getting better at it, you know? So I think, you know, the more and the longer you do this, As I speak, it'll be two years in April.

    Um, yeah, you become better at recognizing that again, every single comment is a real person behind those words. Yes. Yeah. And it, it is challenging. So as a fellow creator and online business, I feel that too. Right. So even having this podcast, we get comments, which we are so thankful for here and there of people saying, you know, your podcast is so helpful, but yeah, a lot of times it's.

    We're talking and we're putting it out into the world and I don't know who's listening, right? And so same with these posts, right? And, um, I think that's the thing is, you know, we, we live in this world. We comment on people's posts. We talk to people online. That is part of our job. That is part of what we do.

    But a lot of people who are following us, they maybe don't feel confident to reach out to you and message you, but then, yeah, those people might turn around and buy one of your programs, even though they've never talked to you online, right? Right. Exactly. You know, you always have to be, we're in the helping business.

    That's what we do. We coach. And so you always have to be ready to help people when they reach out. Um, you know, and so, you know, that is the piece about, you know, owning your own business. It's like, okay, I am here. You let the people come. And so you need to be ready for when they come. Yes, totally. Yes. So good.

    So if there is a listener that's listening in on the podcast that maybe is again in their fifties or approaching their fifties and the thought of strength training or starting working out again from scratch is so scary and so intimidating, which is understandable. What do you say to those clients that yeah, are just super fearful, have no idea where to start.

    What types of conversations do you have with those people? Yeah, no, that's a really good question. Um, the first thing is they can always reach out to me because I'm here to help. Right. And, and, and to ease their, their, um, discomfort or their uneasiness, but, and we kind of hit on this before, but it really is about maybe even what is holding you back.

    Talk about what is holding you back. Are you fearful of something and what are you fearful of? Fearful of you know what, sometimes people are not fearful of doing the act right of working out, but they could be fearful of not succeeding, or not having that success that they're looking for. Um, so not knowing how to start.

    So it's really about what's holding you back. And then once we find out what is it that's preventing you from starting, okay, well, let's, let's address it, and let's move forward because that's really what it's about. Um, we can allow something, and I'm not saying it's easy, please, but we certainly don't want to allow a factor to prevent us.

    From again, becoming the healthiest, you know, strongest person that we can be breaking that down. And then just saying, Hey, if you want to start at home, start with walking. If you want to start at home, start with a body weight or bands. Um, if you want to go to the gym, start with walking. Please do that.

    That is an option. There are personal trainers in the gym that will help people right become more accustomed to the machines and programs that work for them. So just providing the reassurance again that you're not too old, you're not too out of shape, right? And you're not too busy. And I think the part about being busy, Rhonda, is Is more impactful than we think it might be.

    And I know you, right? You have been with postpartum moms. You know how busy our lives can be. And so it's about, I know you're busy. Even taking an assessment of your time, where's your time going? Have you ever thought about like, if you've looked at it, and I'm mapping out where the time is, and if you have 10 minutes, don't like don't poo poo on 10 minutes 10 minutes is great.

    Do a full body workout in 10 minutes, um, body weight workout in 10 minutes, go outside for a walk for 10 minutes. Um, so really helping them find the time of the day where they can do something. And then what is it that they can do? And then helping them to remain consistent, um, uh, you know, consistent at carrying out the actions to get them to be a stronger, more active person.

    I love that. Yeah, I think I wonder if you find this too with your clients. I find this with my clients. Um, you said earlier, whether they have fear that they might not succeed at the program. And it sounds like you do this so well is yeah, just having that reminder. That it doesn't have to be this big, crazy, scary thing, right?

    It can be walking, it can be body weight. So I think that's, you know, part of the fear I find with my clients is they have this picture in their brain of what a workout should look like and what counts as a workout and yeah, they're afraid to even start because they're, they just think there's no way I'm not.

    In good enough shape to start that. Right. It's almost like I have to be in shape before I even start, but that's not how it works. Right. Right. I wanted to reach out to you, but I wanted to sort of get in shape before I reached out to you. Right. Or I want to go to the gym, but I need to lose 10, 15 pounds before I walk into the gym, like all of those things.

    And it's about coming as you are perfect. The way you are just come as you are. Yeah, that's amazing. So I would love to hear, um, Traci, you as a woman in your fifties, what is the biggest lesson you've learned so far as being a woman in your fifties? Yeah, I think a couple of things. So two things come, come to mind.

    Um, and they're going to sound so obvious probably when I share them, but working recently right with women over 50, and and we, you know, Mentioned this or talked about this a little bit a few minutes ago, but just knowing that, you know, women, they want to take care of themselves. Sometimes, um, they just need to know how, like what's the first step to take.

    And women are so grateful and thankful when they receive that help and that support and that coaching. To get them started. It really means a lot to them. And, and that just helps to feed me. And keeps me going just knowing that they want this so much. Um, I've got to be there for them, like, you know, and I'm not trying to say I'm saving the world.

    That is not it at all. Um, but Um, like I tell the women in my group and my one on one clients. Thank you for allowing me to be just a piece of your fitness journey, like just a piece to get you started and to help you realize the strength that you have inside of you. So, just knowing that women, they want to start, they just need to To get that boost, right?

    And then the other one, like as a woman in my 50s, um, I just now, I'm just, I kind of do what it is I want to do now. Kind of think, well, you know, some people are going to like it and, and, and some people may not like it. And, um, if you're, Moving in a direction that you know is helpful to others. And sometimes you have to put yourself first is helpful to yourself, then that's the direction you need to continue moving in and it may not make everybody happy, but you have to do what's best for you.

    Um, what's best for your business was best for your family and just keep going. And so, um, I tend to care less about other things now that I wonder if that's something, cause I feel like I'm, I'm approaching 40 and I feel like I'm getting hints of that where, yes, I'm just understanding if I don't put my needs and my own mental health first, no one else will, right.

    If I don't do that for myself, No one else will. So recovering people pleaser, that's me. And yes, owning a business that I have to face that head on every single day. Right. So I look forward to being in my fifties where maybe that comes a little easier. Well, I think it kind of does. I mean, yeah, you're, you're kind of on the other side.

    You're like, look. You know, the time is important. It's time for me and to do things that I want to do. And, uh, you know, so, uh, it's, I think that those are two things that I just have come to realize as I, uh, you know, go through this thing we call life. Yeah. So cool. Um, I'd love to know, are you, do you miss teaching?

    Do you miss that side of things? Oh, that's a good question. Um, Okay. Honestly, no. Honestly, no. Yeah, that's okay. I know a lot of teachers. I have a lot of family members that are teachers and it's a hard, hard, hard role. So yes, very hard. Rhonda and is such an important role. I will take the time right now during your podcast right now to step into education and say, we need to respect our educators.

    Much more than what, than how we do right now. Um, they work so hard day in and day out. Um, you know, educators take work home with them every single night, um, the weekends and Sundays as an educator. Oh my goodness. It's just like, It's tough. And so, but we do it because number one, we are building our future as educators.

    We're building our future. And, um, you know, the children need us. So it is a tough job. I enjoyed my 33 years. I was a high school teacher, a high school assistant principal, middle school assistant principal, and a middle school principal. I enjoyed every bit of it. And, um, I'm just thankful for those educators who are still, um, teaching and helping and growing our children.

    So, okay, that's my education piece. Love it. Yes. 100 percent so much respect for teachers. It's, yeah, not an easy role. So, yes, thank you for the time that you did put in, Traci. You're welcome. Yeah. So is there anything else before we wrap up that you would love to leave our listeners with any last little tidbits of advice that come to mind or do you think we kind of covered everything?

    Yeah, no, we've covered a lot. Yeah. No, just sending encouragement. Um, to all of the women out there and especially my over 50 women to, to get started. It's, it's, it's not too late. You're not too old. You're not too overweight. And if you think you're too busy, reassess your time and find some time for yourself.

    It's really important. Love that. So Traci, if people are interested in learning more about you and your business and how to work with you, uh, first of all, what is your Instagram handle? Uh, fitness with Traci. Okay. And I'll put all this in the show notes too. So people can follow you and how else love it at Traci with an eye.

    Yes. Yes. And, uh, how else can people find you? Um, they're welcome to visit my website, um, which is also fitness with Traci. com. Um, lots of information on my website there. Um, and if they want to reach out, they can, uh, email me at Traci at fitness with Traci. com. Love it. And what, uh, what programs do you have on the go right now, Traci?

    Yeah, right now. Um, well, the one, my one on one online coaching is always there for anyone who wants to reach out about that. Um, just providing some very, um, individualized programs, um, for women who want to begin strength training. And really get stronger. Um, and then currently I have a strong over 50 with body weight and bands going on.

    That is a group program and, um, Rhonda plan. I'm planning something for the spring. So everyone stay tuned and, uh, yep. Stay tuned. And hopefully if, uh, this upcoming program, uh, peaks any, uh, interest, then we'll, we'll, we'll go for it. And, um, like I said, always there's the one on one available for people as well.

    Amazing. So yeah, stay tuned. Check out Traci on Instagram. Lots of exciting things coming. Thank you so much, Traci. You are such an inspiration and helping so many people get fit and strong over 50. And that is just so amazing. Thank you, Rhonda. I am so glad to be here. Thanks for having me. No problem.

    Thanks for listening to today's podcast. We hope you enjoyed the conversation. If you liked what you heard, we would love if you could share this with a friend, leave us a review, or subscribe to anywhere that you listen to your podcasts. Thanks for being here.


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