Episode #26: Our top tips when returning to running postpartum

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In this episode, Rhonda and Dayna share our top tips when you’re feeling the itch to return to running postpartum, such as:

1️⃣ The research shows that it might be beneficial to wait until the 3-month mark to return to impact movements like running, jumping and skipping.

2️⃣ Check in with a pelvic floor physiotherapist and/ or postpartum fitness coach if you have the means to assess your pelvic floor strength, tone and coordination.

3️⃣ It might be a good idea to start with strength training (especially single leg exercises) to build the stability and capacity of your tissues.

4️⃣ It might be a good idea to start with a run/walk combo and gradually increase your time and distance spent running to give your body time to adapt.

5️⃣ It might be helpful to slowly ease back into impact movements (i.e. hopping, jump squats, jumping lunges) to prepare your body for running.

🎙 Listen to the full episode for more helpful tips!

🏃🏽‍♀️We’re excited for you to listen to this episode and hope it helps you return to running with confidence!

We’re excited for you to listen to this episode and hope you find some of these tips helpful. Let us know in the comments!

Listen to Kathleen White’s Return to Running episode here (Episode #7)

Return to Run Screen by Tom Goom, Gráinne Donnelly and Emma Brockwell

Return to Run Screen by Carrie Pagliano

Rhonda’s Reel - Return to Run Screen

Link to attend Rhonda’s Pelvic Floor Relaxation Workshop!

Find Dayna here:

Find Rhonda here:


Episode #27: The 3 things that surprised us the most during pregnancy


Episode #25: Tips to have great poops with Aliya Dhalla